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22-23// MArchD Students - Draw Your Work Space

OSA Editorial Team

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

To kick-start the year, MArchD students were tasked to think about their work-space for the academic year and represent it graphically through plans, sections and perspective drawings. The goal is to illustrate how students will manage their space throughout the year, how it will adapt to their needs and demonstrate their unique graphic styles. Let's have a look at some amazing work below!

Leo Baker from DS7

"- 1 drawing from Memory (black ink)

- 1 drawing with eyes closed (white ink)


The ability to recall information from memory and translate that into a drawing was a surprisingly difficult task in this timeframe. It was a great thought exercise and interesting to see what the cognitive part of the brain remembers. To see how the brain filters out what information is and isn’t important. I would definitely recommend people try this if they have a spare three minutes."

Jamillatul Zakariah (Jamie) from DS4

Studio Setting - "Insight of what's inside my bag and how I set up my workstation in the studio."

Home Setting - "This is how I manoeuvre my way within my workspace at home. I prefer to do cuttings and physical models on the floor as there is a bit more room to work in. (Oh I contemplate a lot too...)"

Zaim Bin Muhamad Zawawi from DS4

Plan of workspace (bedroom)

Section A-A of workspace (bedroom)

"The bedroom has become a legitimate space to conduct design and brainstorming since the surge of Covid-19. Through coexisting with the presence of a bed, the strength to withstand sleep grows stronger (or it should be)."

Marha Irdina Izzuddin from DS4

Bridget Loo from DS4

"My individual workspace will be with me throughout my final year journey in MArchD. Maximizing the comfort level of the space in such a limited space is definitely challenging, but it has everything I need. It is now a space created to be a dedicated space that promotes concentration and creativity. Get to know my own personal productivity style and create my own comfortable workspace which allows me to be productive throughout the days."

Dinesha Kanagasundaram from DS4

"Welcome to my crib! Plan of my bedroom and work-space highlighting the simplified movements between functions throughout the day."

Alicia Desmay from DS9

"Plan, section and perspective of my workspace (my dining table)"

Victoria Kolomytkina from DS9

"My workplace is a very important place that helps to be creative and not to interfere with the working process. Natural light, fresh air, cheerful colours and a lot of plants surround me make my brain works better and gives me spots where I can rest my eyes from the computer screen. Often I'm taking my inspiration from nature and plants around me help to come up with interesting shapes when I am sketching for a new project. Also, I have inspirational quotes on my walls to constantly remind me how my job is important and influence other people's lives."

Ainie Shafeeu from DS9

Carlson, Hiu Tsun Kwan from DS2

"My workspace is in student accommodation, Dorset House. Facing at South-West, which does not have enough sunlight for my work, I need artificial lighting. A stack of paper for drawing, sketching, researching and notes, and mugs for drinking water to make me feel concentrated on my work."

Emma Garske from DS1

"The purpose behind the drawing is to highlight the most important aspects of my workspace. The white pen is used on craft paper to emphasise objects such as my laptop and stationary drawer."

Joseph Zhang from DS9

"I wanted to capture a working day in my room and the living too, also wanted to show my routines in a small space."

Shazia Dhalla from Zone 5

"For the week 0 task we were asked to imagine how we would use our workspace at home over the year. I don't like confining myself to my desk and prefer spreading out my work across my room creating different zones within my workspace for digital work, modelling, a little photography station to take pictures of my models and would also like to use my notice board to hang up notes and reminders over the year."

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